The Power of Vegetables & Minerals
All ingredients are 100% organic
Each of the ingredients in our mineral broth are intentionally included to maximize the nutritional benefits. Vegetables and minerals are rich with powerful nutrients our bodies crave. Below you will find a summary of the health benefits from all of the thoughtfully included ingredients in our vegetable broth.

Carrots are anti-inflammatory. Research shows that eating only one rich in vitamin A carrot per day promotes lung health and could reduce lung cancer risk by half. An abundance of beta-carotene accounts for the lovely orange color of carrots. Beta-carotene prevents mouth, throat, lung, stomach, breast, intestinal, bladder, and prostate cancers.
Onion are antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Onions, specifically shallots, have been helpful in animal studies for attacking leukemia. Onion extract likewise displayed anti-tumor elements, perhaps because it aids in quickly cleansing carcinogens from the body.

Celery is anti-inflammatory. Celery has a phytochemical referred to as coumarin, which aids white blood cells and inhibits free radicals from harming cells, thus reducing mutations that can cause cells to turn out to be cancerous. Also, acetylenic compounds in celery are able to halt the development of tumor cells.
Potatoes are an antioxidant and possibly an antiangiogenesis agent. In potatoes, vitamin B6 seems to regulate the triggering of a tumor-repression gene. Furthermore, potatoes can have a general purifying effect with phytochemicals that search for cancer-producing free radicals.

Sweet Potatoes and Yams
Sweet Potatoes and Yams are antioxidants that help regulate blood sugar. The incredible orange yellows of yams and sweet potatoes show they are rich in cancer-fighting vitamin C and beta-carotene. At one time, a few medical professionals thought wild yams were a substitute for hormone replacement therapy because of their supposed power to affect estrogen levels. Current research proves there is no connection between yams and estrogen levels.
Garlic is antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory. A garlic mixture called allicin gives this vegetable its pungent odor and cancer-protective power. Allicin is a potent antibacterial and antiviral agent that keeps carcinogens from modifying healthy colon cells. It’s the perfect inclusion in our vegetable broth.

Parsley is a digestion aid, an appetite stimulant, an NF-kB regulator, and an anti-inflammatory. The oils in parsley, such as myristicin, have robust anti-tumor properties, particularly concerning lung tumors. Parsley moreover appears to deactivate carcinogens such as benzopyrenes in fried foods, charcoal grill smoke, and cigarette smoke.
Kombu has anti-toxins. Sea vegetables like kombu are rich in chlorophyllins, which connect to carcinogens in the digestive system of animals, possibly limiting their effect. Kombu, too, has lignans, and so do edamame and barley. Breast and endometrial cancer risk in postmenopausal women may slightly lessen by lignans.

Black Pepper
Black Pepper is a digestion aid, antibacterial, and NF-kB regulator. When eating black pepper, the taste buds are signaled to send a message to the stomach to generate hydrochloric acid to aid digestion. Piperine is contained in peppercorns. This alkaloid improves the body's capacity to incorporate cancer-fighting nutrients, which include beta-carotene, curcumin, and selenium.

Allspice/Allspice Berries
Allspice/Allspice Berries are a digestion aid and antimicrobial. Allspice is great if you feel bloated or gassy because it eases indigestion and relieves discomfort, particularly in the small intestine.
Bay Leaf
Bay Leaf is a digestion aid. Bay leaves alleviate abdominal spasms and gas. Likewise, they calm and relax the digestive system.

Sea Salt
Sea Salt is an appetite stimulant, and it contains many vital minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Sea salt differs from table salt in that table salt has added iodine and is generally stripped of minerals.
Turmeric is another anti-inflammatory plant that boosts immune health. Turmeric has also proven quite effective at reducing pain – particularly joint pain, due to the curcumin present in the plant. These benefits are why we opted to create a turmeric vegetable broth in addition to our original mineral broth.

Ginger is an anti-inflammatory antioxidant. Thanks to the phenolic compounds, ginger has long been used to treat pain, inflammation, and to improve immunity. Ginger also has the ability to soothe an upset stomach by decreasing nausea.